*See Submission Guidelines below

Contribute to the capsules with essays, recommendations, drawings, poetry, listicles, photography, quotes, book club questions, rants, and feelings about the theme or the core books of the current capsule.

When we close the capsule, all submissions will be wrapped up into a zine newsletter which will be distributed in a limited-edition print to contributors and first dibs bookclub members. The newsletters are also uploaded to our website and can be found on our Capsules Archive page.

email your contributions to

you can also dm us on @capsulesbookclub on instagram!

Submission Guidelines

Submissions Open Call for Capsule 4: Correspondence

1 March - 1 May 2025

Thank you for considering contributing to our capsule! We publish around three to four capsules per year, each

with a specific theme. We have no restrictions on genres, styles, forms, or mediums of the contribution, though

it must have a clear link to the capsules’ core concept. Unfortunately, we can’t offer compensation for

contributions at this time since we are a small self-funded team of three, but this is something we are striving to

make possible as we grow!

Please make sure to tick off all items on this list before sending us your beautiful work!

●Make sure to include your name and a short bio (no longer than 50 words) + short introduction of the

work (no more than 150 words) in the email that the submission is attached to.

●Please include your name, the title of your work, and the medium in the file name such as follows:


●All files must be .doc/x or .pdf for text submissions. For images .pdf or .png. For video .mp4.

●Please indicate whether this work has been or will be published elsewhere, or if you intend it to be

published again elsewhere.

●We accept proposals for performances, music, live talks, lectures, etc. Please contact us to plan how we

can set it up and feature you on our website.

● We maintain a maximum word count of 5-6000 words, but you can always send pitches for longer projects and we can review whether it would fit.

●If you’re stuck on an idea or unsure about submitting, reach out to us with a simple proposal! Mid-way

through the capsule, we can give you feedback on your proposal and help you develop it until you feel

comfortable with the final product.

●Try to keep to the theme of the capsule, however, if your piece reads better for another capsule, we can

hang on to it and publish it later - you can always withdraw your submission!

●If you are submitting a recommendation for the book club, please make sure to indicate it clearly. If it’s

your original work, please indicate that as well. If you are sampling, or sourcing from other artists,

please credit them.

●If you have a more casual contribution (such as a recommendation, a short poem, or a stream of

consciousness, etc.), you can also DM us - we can then cite your contribution either by Instagram user

handle or keep you anonymous!

All submissions must be sent to We respond to everyone, so if you don’t

hear from us after three days please reach out again!

Stay in touch,

Capsules Book Club